Garrett has been seeking to Impact the next generation with the Gospel for 18-plus years by traveling worldwide to share the Gospel at key outreach events. At GWM we believe in the power of the Gospel and that it is the only message that can change the world and entire generations. Garrett has been a lead pastor, the denominational leader In student evangelism, and youth pastor, and served on staff at several churches and now as a lead evangelist, president, and founder at GWM! We would love to partner with you at your next camp, conference, retreat, Sunday service, outreach event, or training.

Garrett is married to Rachel, and they have three sons, Graham, Grayson, and Griffin. They reside in Dallas, TX.




My goal in this ministry is simply to point others the the glorious riches of a God who loves us, redeems us, and saves us, and allow people to respond to Him.  I believe worship is a response with the entirety of our lives to all of who God is and what He has done, and I believe a worship leader leads people to this response on and off a stage, with or without music.  While music is an obvious part of what I do, it is my hope that so much more will come from a worship ministry than great music, a great band, or even great experiences.  It's relationships and life change.  It's the hope we have in Jesus.  Without recognizing our need for Jesus, His power, grace, mercy, we cannot worship Him for who he truly is.  Music was created for this purpose, and I have a passion to see it utilized in excellence to point people to the only One who needs to be pointed to.  

I've been leading worship for 18 years both around the globe and in the local Church, and am beyond blessed and thrilled to do it.  If you have a need for a worship leader for any event, I would love to opportunity to serve you and your ministry in that way.  Simply contact me here if you have a need or just want to learn more about what I do, and also find more thoughts and theology on worship in the Response section.

Chris Hurt is a current student pastor in Frisco, Texas. He has been in student ministry for more than 20 years and is passionate about reaching students for Jesus. He graduated from Texas Tech and has a Master’s degree from Liberty University. He is married with two children. He is a huge Disney fan and Miami Dolphins football! He can be seen around Dallas from time to time performing in improv troupes. He loves to laugh!

Favorite Verse: John 10:10

Dylan Manley is a former student pastor of 20 years who now serves on staff with Israel Collective - an organization that focuses on teaching the next generation about Israel, both past and present from a biblical point of view. He has a Master’s in Theology and is a Ph.D candidate in Philosophy & Apologetics at Trinity Theological Seminary where he is also an associate professor.  Dylan currently resides in Denton, Tx with his awesome wife, Claire, and their two crazy kids.  Dylan is a big fan of a wide array of music, movies, and books.  Dylan is also Christian Apologist who speaks at camps, conferences, and events.

Favorite verse: John 16:33

To visit Hurt & Manley's website Click Here.